Drone Lab Tours: Connecting with the Community at Amazon’s Development Center in Cambridge UK

Welcome to Amazon’s Development Center in Cambridge UK! We are excited to share with you our drone lab tours, where we connect with the community and showcase the incredible technology we are working on. By inviting schoolchildren from the local community into our center, we provide them with the opportunity to learn about Prime Air and explore the world of drones and aerodynamics.

During these tours, we are always delighted to see how engaged the kids are, as they ask tough questions and make insightful observations. It’s truly rewarding to connect with them on this level and witness their enthusiasm for the subject matter. In fact, their reaction has been brilliant, as they listen, enjoy, and learn a great deal about drones and aerodynamics. We believe that education is crucial, so being able to inspire these young minds with the possibilities of drone technology is incredibly fulfilling. Join us on this amazing journey, exploring everything from prototypes to 3D printing, and see firsthand what an engineer can accomplish. [Music]

Drone Lab Tours: Connecting with the Community at Amazon’s Development Center in Cambridge UK

Introduction to the Lab Tours

The Amazon Development Center in Cambridge UK has been offering drone lab tours to schoolchildren from the local community to provide them with a unique educational experience. These lab tours aim to connect with the community and share the exciting technologies being developed at the center. Through these tours, Amazon hopes to inspire and engage with the younger generation and foster their interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

Importance of Community Engagement

Community engagement is a vital aspect of the lab tours at Amazon’s Development Center in Cambridge UK. By inviting local schoolchildren, Amazon aims to create a strong connection with the community and foster positive relationships. These tours also promote knowledge sharing and collaboration between Amazon engineers and students, allowing both parties to learn from each other.

Furthermore, community engagement through lab tours helps build trust and transparency. By opening their doors to the community, Amazon developers showcase their work and provide insight into the innovation happening within the company. This transparency fosters a sense of trust and creates a positive image of Amazon in the local community.

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Lastly, these lab tours play a crucial role in encouraging STEM education and career paths. By exposing young students to exciting technologies like drones, Amazon aims to inspire and motivate them to pursue technical fields. Through hands-on experiences and engaging activities, students gain a deeper understanding of the possibilities that STEM careers can offer and are encouraged to explore these paths further.

Inspirational Impact on Kids

The drone lab tours at Amazon’s Development Center in Cambridge UK have a tremendous inspirational impact on the participating kids. These tours allow children to not only witness the cutting-edge technology being developed but also engage with engineers and ask challenging questions.

The lab tours encourage critical thinking and push students to ask tough questions, enabling them to explore the world of science and technology with curiosity and enthusiasm. By providing a platform for inquisitive minds, Amazon empowers these students to challenge conventional thinking and develop the critical thinking skills necessary for future innovation.

Witnessing firsthand the work being done at the development center also motivates students to pursue technical fields. By connecting with engineers and learning about their career journeys, children see the path they can take to become future innovators and engineers themselves. This exposure to real-world applications of technology helps bridge the gap between classroom learning and future career aspirations.

Exploring Aerodynamics in the Wing Station

One of the highlights of the lab tours at Amazon’s Development Center in Cambridge UK is the Wing Station, where students explore the fascinating world of aerodynamics. Here, students are introduced to the principles of aerodynamics and get to engage in hands-on activities focused on generating lift.

Through these activities, students learn about the forces at play in flight and gain a practical understanding of wing dynamics. They get to explore the relationship between wing design and lift generation, connecting what they learn in the classroom to real-life applications. This immersive experience allows students to grasp the fundamental concepts of flight and appreciate the complexities of aerodynamics.

By sharing the physics behind flight and connecting it to their classroom education, Amazon inspires students to develop an interest in science and engineering. This deepens their understanding of how things work and ignites their curiosity to explore further in the field of aerodynamics.

Prototype Showcase: 3D Printing and Engineering

During the lab tours at Amazon’s Development Center in Cambridge UK, students are given the opportunity to witness the process of drone development, including the prototype showcase. The prototype drones on display highlight the role of 3D printing and engineering in the manufacturing of these advanced technologies.

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Through this showcase, students get an insight into the world of 3D printing techniques and its applications. Amazon engineers explain the significance of 3D printing in rapid prototyping and how it enables designers to iterate quickly and efficiently. This hands-on experience with the prototypes allows students to understand the importance of design thinking and the iterative process of engineering.

The prototype showcase also promotes innovation among the students. By witnessing the cutting-edge technology on display, students are inspired to think creatively and explore new possibilities. Amazon encourages students to embrace the mindset of an engineer and empowers them to develop innovative solutions to real-world challenges.

Understanding Lift and Wing Functionality

The lab tours at Amazon’s Development Center in Cambridge UK provide an in-depth understanding of lift and wing functionality. Through detailed explanations and demonstrations, students learn the principles behind lift generation and the role wings play in flight.

Engineers at Amazon guide students through the concept of lift and explain the factors influencing it, such as airfoil shape, angle of attack, and air density. They showcase different wing designs and their impact on lift generation, helping students grasp the complex relationship between wing shape and flight performance.

By translating theoretical concepts into practical applications, Amazon bridges the gap between classroom learning and real-world engineering. Students gain a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of wing design and develop a better understanding of the principles governing flight. This hands-on experience motivates students to explore the field of aerospace engineering further and consider it as a potential career path.

Simulation and Software Engineering

The lab tours at Amazon’s Development Center in Cambridge UK also introduce students to the world of simulation and software engineering. Through immersive experiences, students gain insight into the role of simulation technologies in drone development.

Engineers explain the significance of simulations in testing and refining drone designs. Students witness simulated scenarios and learn how software engineers analyze and optimize drone performance through virtual testing. This hands-on demonstration highlights the importance of efficiency and accuracy in software engineering and instills a sense of appreciation for the intricacies of the development process.

By showcasing the software engineering aspect of drone development, Amazon sparks the interest of students in the field of computer science and software engineering. Students gain exposure to the possibilities of using technology to revolutionize various industries and gain a better understanding of the role software engineers play in shaping the future of technology.

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Benefits of Delivery by Drone

The lab tours at Amazon’s Development Center in Cambridge UK also shed light on the numerous benefits of delivery by drone. Students learn about the advantages that drone delivery offers over traditional methods, creating a more efficient and customer-centric approach to delivery services.

Firstly, delivery by drone significantly increases speed and efficiency. Drones are capable of delivering packages swiftly, avoiding traffic congestion and other obstacles. This speed and efficiency result in faster delivery times, giving customers a seamless and prompt experience.

Secondly, drone delivery reduces environmental impact. With electric-powered drones, there is a significant reduction in carbon emissions compared to traditional delivery methods. This eco-friendly approach aligns with Amazon’s commitment to sustainability and a greener future.

Lastly, drone delivery enhances the overall customer experience. By leveraging drone technology, customers can receive their packages at their doorstep, even in remote areas. This accessibility and convenience create positive customer interactions and improve overall satisfaction.

Positive Feedback from the Kids

The feedback from the kids who have participated in the lab tours at Amazon’s Development Center in Cambridge UK has been overwhelmingly positive. These tours have been a source of inspiration and education, providing a unique opportunity for children to learn and engage with drones and aerodynamics.

The students were actively involved in the tours, asking questions, and actively listening to the explanations provided by the engineers. They enjoyed hands-on activities and learned a significant amount about drones and aerodynamics. The tours not only captivated their interest but also expanded their knowledge and understanding of these technologies.

Furthermore, the lab tours allowed students to see the impact that engineers can have on the world. By witnessing the possibilities of technology, students were excited by the idea of becoming engineers themselves. The tours served as a catalyst for their passion, encouraging them to pursue pathways in STEM fields and inspiring future generations of innovators and engineers.


The drone lab tours at Amazon’s Development Center in Cambridge UK have successfully connected with the local community and inspired countless young minds. By opening their doors to schoolchildren, Amazon has created a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and inspiration.

These lab tours have not only provided an educational experience but also fostered a sense of community engagement and trust. Through showcasing exciting technologies like drones, Amazon has motivated students to pursue STEM education and consider careers in technical fields.

Moving forward, Amazon plans to continue supporting STEM education and organizing lab tours at their Development Center. By nurturing the passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, Amazon aims to encourage the next generation of innovators and contribute to a brighter future.