Building a Nerf Attack Drone!

In the video titled “I Built a REAL Nerf Attack Drone!” by Corridor Crew, Wren from Corridor Digital builds a custom drone equipped with a Nerf blaster to combat Jan’s daily Nerf assaults. Throughout the video, the creator faces various challenges in building and testing the drone, but ultimately succeeds in creating a functional and powerful nerf-firing drone. The video also provides links to additional resources for those interested in FPV drone flying, Fusion360 modeling tutorials, and 3D printing. The creator mentions that the drone will be used in Nerf games on a gaming channel. Overall, the video offers an exciting and informative look into the process of building a unique Nerf attack drone.

Building a Nerf Attack Drone!

Introduction to the video

In the video titled “I Built a REAL Nerf Attack Drone!” by Corridor Crew, viewers are taken on a journey of building a custom drone that shoots Nerf darts. The video features Wren from Corridor Digital and Joshua Bardwell, who helps Wren in building the drone. The purpose of the drone is to combat Jan’s daily Nerf assault, and Wren decides to take to the skies with this unique creation. The video showcases the challenges faced in building and testing the drone, as well as its successful completion.

The featured individuals in the video

The video features Wren from Corridor Digital, known for his innovative projects and creativity. Wren takes on the challenge of building a custom drone that shoots Nerf darts to gain the upper hand against Jan’s daily Nerf assault. Joshua Bardwell, an experienced drone enthusiast and YouTuber, joins Wren in the video and provides assistance in building the drone. Together, Wren and Joshua showcase their expertise and skills in creating this unique and exciting project.

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The purpose of building the drone

The primary purpose of building the drone is to give Wren an advantage in the ongoing Nerf war at the Studio. Jan, the Nerf warrior, always catches Wren off guard, and Wren decides to level the playing field by taking to the skies with a custom-built drone. By combining his drone piloting skills with a Nerf blaster, Wren aims to surprise and outsmart Jan, gaining air supremacy and turning the tides of the Nerf war in his favor.

Promotion of Rotor Riot for FPV Drone Flying

Throughout the video, viewers are encouraged to check out Rotor Riot if they are interested in FPV (First Person View) Drone Flying. Rotor Riot is a renowned platform for drone enthusiasts, offering a wide range of products, educational content, and community support. By promoting Rotor Riot, the video highlights the opportunities and excitement that FPV drone flying can offer to those who are passionate about the hobby or interested in exploring it further.

Recommendation of Fusion360 modeling Tutorials

In the video, Wren mentions the best Fusion360 modeling tutorials provided by Product Design Online. Fusion360 is a powerful 3D modeling software that allows users to design and create complex models for various purposes. Wren recommends the tutorials provided by Product Design Online as they offer comprehensive guidance and tips for utilizing Fusion360 effectively. These tutorials can be immensely helpful for anyone interested in learning 3D modeling and applying it to their own projects.

Challenges faced in building and testing the drone

Building the Nerf attack drone proved to be a challenging task for Wren. Throughout the video, he shares the emotional highs and lows he experienced during the process. From figuring out how Nerf guns work to selecting the right components and adapting them to the drone, Wren faced various obstacles along the way. He encountered difficulties when connecting the drone’s flight controller to a 5-volt circuit and even burned out the flight controller at one point. However, with the help of Joshua Bardwell, Wren was able to overcome these challenges and continue with the project.

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Successful completion of the drone

Despite the challenges faced, Wren ultimately succeeded in building the Nerf attack drone. Through perseverance, innovation, and assistance from Joshua Bardwell, Wren was able to integrate the Nerf blaster onto the drone, creating a functioning and effective weapon. The video showcases the drone in action, with Wren successfully shooting darts from the drone while performing aerial maneuvers. The successful completion of the drone marks a significant achievement for Wren and highlights his dedication to pushing the boundaries of creativity.

The planned use of the drone in Nerf games

After successfully building and testing the drone, Wren plans to use it in Nerf games. In the video, he challenges Jan to a gentleman’s duel, where he aims to take down Jan’s drone with an axe while Jan attempts to shoot him with a dart. This planned usage of the drone demonstrates Wren’s intent to incorporate it into the ongoing Nerf war at the Studio, turning it into a more exciting and intense experience.

Explore links for learning about FPV, 3D Printing, and modeling

The video provides viewers with links to explore and learn more about FPV drone flying, 3D printing, and modeling. By following these links, viewers can access valuable resources, tutorials, and communities to expand their knowledge in these areas. This encourages viewers to further explore their interests and potentially pursue their own projects related to FPV drone flying, 3D printing, and modeling.


In conclusion, the video “I Built a REAL Nerf Attack Drone!” by Corridor Crew showcases the journey of building a custom drone that shoots Nerf darts. It features the collaboration between Wren from Corridor Digital and Joshua Bardwell, highlighting their expertise and skills in creating this unique project. Throughout the video, various challenges are faced, but ultimately, the drone is successfully built and tested. The video promotes Rotor Riot for FPV Drone Flying and recommends Fusion360 modeling tutorials provided by Product Design Online. With the completion of the drone, Wren plans to use it in Nerf games, adding excitement and innovation to the ongoing Nerf war at the Studio. By providing links for further exploration, the video encourages viewers to delve deeper into the world of FPV drone flying, 3D printing, and modeling. Overall, the video showcases the creativity and determination of Wren and highlights the possibilities and fun that can be achieved through unique and innovative projects like building a Nerf attack drone.

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