Kids Play With RC Drone Unboxing & Testing With Remote Control

Today, we have an exciting video by Ashar Vlogs that showcases kids playing with an RC drone. In this unboxing and testing video, the kids get their hands on a remote control and have a blast with this high-flying device. Join in on the fun as they explore the world of remote-controlled toys and experience the thrill of flying a drone. With stunning aerial views and impressive maneuvers, this video is sure to keep you entertained and leave you wanting to try it out for yourself. So, sit back, relax, and let’s witness the excitement unfold!

In this Ashar Vlogs video, you’ll see the kids unboxing the RC drone and getting it ready for flight. They take the time to inspect every detail and familiarize themselves with the remote control. Once everything is set up, they waste no time and take to the skies, maneuvering the drone with precision and skill. The video captures their enthusiasm as they explore different flying techniques and even attempt some tricks! With each new flight, the kids grow more confident and their smiles become infectious. So, get ready to soar through the air with them as you watch this thrilling RC drone adventure unfold!

Unboxing the RC Drone

Introducing the RC Drone

Welcome to the exciting world of RC drones! In this comprehensive article, we will guide you through the process of unboxing, testing, and flying your RC drone. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience with drones, this article is designed to help you get the most out of your new recreational gadget.

Opening the box

Now that you have your RC drone in your hands, let’s open the box and see what’s inside. Carefully remove the packaging and take a moment to appreciate the sleek design and craftsmanship of your drone. It’s important to handle the components with care to avoid any accidental damage.

Taking out the components

Inside the box, you’ll find the main components of your RC drone. These usually include the drone itself, a remote control, propellers, a charger, and additional accessories such as a memory card or spare battery. Take each component out of the box and lay them out in front of you, ensuring that nothing is missing or damaged.

Checking the instruction manual

Before you start using your drone, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the instruction manual. This handy guide will provide you with all the necessary information regarding how to operate, charge, and care for your drone. Take the time to read through the manual and understand its contents before proceeding to the next steps.

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Testing the RC Drone

Charging the drone

To ensure a smooth and uninterrupted flying experience, it’s essential to charge your drone fully before taking it for its first flight. Connect the drone’s battery to the charger and plug it into a power source. Depending on the model and battery capacity, it may take some time for the battery to charge completely. Refer to the instruction manual for estimated charging times.

Pairing the remote control

Once your drone is fully charged, it’s time to pair it with the remote control. Turn on both the drone and the remote control, making sure they are in close proximity to each other. Follow the instructions in the manual to establish a stable connection between the two devices. Successfully pairing the drone and remote control is vital for controlling your drone accurately.

Understanding the controls

Before taking off, it’s crucial to have a good understanding of the controls on your remote control. Familiarize yourself with the different buttons and switches and their respective functions. Take note of the control sticks, which are used to maneuver the drone in all directions. Understanding the controls will help you fly your drone with ease and confidence.

Taking off for the first time

Now that your drone is fully charged, paired with the remote control, and you have a grasp of the controls, it’s time to take off! Find an open space free from obstacles, people, and animals. Slowly push the throttle stick up to increase the drone’s throttle, and you will see your drone take off into the sky. Take it easy on your first flight, focusing on maintaining a stable altitude and getting comfortable with the drone’s movement.

Flying the RC Drone

Navigating the drone in different directions

Once you have mastered the basics of flying your drone, it’s time to explore its maneuverability. Use the control sticks to navigate your drone in different directions. Push the right stick forward to make the drone go forward, pull it back to make it go backward, and move it left or right to control the drone’s lateral movement. Use the left stick to adjust the drone’s yaw, which controls its rotation.

Performing basic maneuvers

Flying a drone isn’t just about going from point A to point B. It’s about having fun and experimenting with different maneuvers. Try out basic tricks, such as flying figure eights, flying in circles, or performing smooth turns. Get creative and discover your drone’s capabilities by combining different movements and maneuvers.

Adjusting the drone’s altitude

Controlling the altitude of your drone is an important skill to develop. Use the throttle stick on the remote control to regulate the drone’s altitude. Pushing the throttle stick up will increase the drone’s altitude, while pulling it down will decrease the altitude. Practice maintaining a steady altitude and gradually increase or decrease it as needed.

Testing the drone’s speed

As you become more comfortable flying your drone, you may want to test its speed capabilities. Increase the throttle to increase the drone’s speed and push it to its limits. However, make sure to choose an open space for high-speed flights and always maintain control of your drone during these maneuvers.

Exploring the RC Drone’s Features

Using the camera function

Many RC drones come equipped with a camera, allowing you to capture stunning aerial photos and videos. If your drone has this feature, take some time to explore the camera controls and functions. Learn how to adjust the camera angle, capture photos, and record videos. Experiment with different settings to achieve the best results.

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Capturing photos and videos with the drone

Now that you are familiar with the camera functions, it’s time to start capturing amazing aerial shots. Fly your drone to interesting locations, experiment with different angles, and let your creativity soar. Use the camera to document your adventures from a unique perspective and create lasting memories.

Understanding the FPV (First Person View) mode

FPV mode allows you to experience the thrill of flying your drone from a first-person perspective. If your drone has this feature, put on the FPV goggles or use your mobile device to access the live video feed from the drone’s camera. This immersive experience will make you feel as if you’re actually in the cockpit of the drone, providing a whole new level of excitement.

Exploring the drone’s flight modes

Many RC drones come with different flight modes that cater to different skill levels and flying preferences. Take some time to explore these flight modes and understand how they affect the drone’s behavior. For beginners, there may be a beginner mode that offers more stability and limited movement, while more advanced modes may allow for more agility and acrobatic maneuvers.

Safety Tips for Kids

Supervising kids while using the drone

When allowing kids to play with an RC drone, it’s important to supervise them at all times. Drones can be powerful and potentially dangerous if mishandled. Make sure kids understand the safety rules and guidelines and always keep a close eye on them to prevent any accidents or injuries.

Choosing a safe flying location

Selecting a safe flying location is crucial to ensure the well-being of both your drone and others around you. Choose an open area away from buildings, people, and animals. Avoid flying near airports, power lines, or any other potential hazards. By choosing a safe flying location, you minimize the risk of accidents and maximize your drone’s performance.

Avoiding obstacles and hazards

While flying your drone, be aware of your surroundings and avoid any potential obstacles or hazards. Trees, buildings, and other objects can pose a threat to your drone’s flight path. Pay attention to your drone’s surroundings and make adjustments as necessary to prevent collisions or damage.

Maintaining a safe distance from people and animals

Always maintain a safe distance from people and animals while flying your drone. Drones can be intrusive and may cause anxiety or panic in some individuals or animals. Respect the privacy and personal space of others by flying at a reasonable distance. This not only ensures the safety of those around you but also promotes responsible drone usage.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Drone not pairing with remote control

If you’re having trouble pairing your drone with the remote control, try a few troubleshooting steps. Make sure both devices have fresh batteries and are fully charged. Keep them close to each other during the pairing process. If the problem persists, consult the instruction manual for specific troubleshooting instructions or contact customer support for assistance.

Battery issues and charging problems

Drone batteries can be temperamental, and issues with charging or battery life are not uncommon. Ensure that you are using the correct charger and follow the charging instructions provided by the manufacturer. If you experience issues with battery life or charging, try recalibrating the battery or contacting customer support for further assistance.

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Dealing with wind and weather conditions

Flying a drone in windy or adverse weather conditions can be challenging and potentially dangerous. Strong gusts of wind can affect the stability and control of your drone. Before flying, check the weather forecast and avoid flying in windy or rainy conditions. If you find yourself in a sudden change of weather, land your drone immediately and seek shelter.

Handling crashes and minor damages

Accidents happen, and even the most experienced drone pilots may experience crashes or minor damages. If your drone crashes or sustains damage, assess the situation and determine the extent of the damage. Minor damages can often be repaired with spare parts or simple fixes. Consult the instruction manual for guidance on repairing the drone or contact customer support for assistance.

Tips for Extended Drone Play

Exploring different terrains

Once you’ve become comfortable flying your drone in open spaces, why not take it to new and exciting terrains? Explore different environments such as parks, beaches, or even mountains. Each terrain will present its own challenges and provide unique opportunities for aerial photography or videography. Use caution and adapt your flying skills accordingly.

Creating obstacle courses for the drone

For a fun and challenging experience, create your own obstacle course for your drone. Set up objects such as hula hoops, cones, or even makeshift gates, and practice flying through them. This activity helps improve your maneuvering skills and adds an element of excitement to your drone playtime.

Engaging in drone races or challenges

If you’re feeling competitive, why not organize a drone race or challenge with friends or family? Set up a racecourse, establish rules and regulations, and see who can navigate the course the fastest. This activity adds a social aspect to drone flying and allows you to share your enthusiasm with others.

Trying out new tricks and stunts

Once you feel confident in your flying abilities, it’s time to try out some tricks and stunts. Experiment with flips, rolls, and other acrobatic maneuvers. Push the limits of your drone’s capabilities while staying within the safety guidelines. Remember to practice in an open space and always keep a safe distance from people and obstacles.

Benefits of RC Drone Play for Kids

Improving hand-eye coordination

Flying an RC drone requires precise control and coordination between your hands and eyes. By maneuvering the drone in the air, kids can improve their hand-eye coordination skills, which are essential in many aspects of life.

Enhancing problem-solving skills

Flying an RC drone involves problem-solving skills, such as adjusting to wind conditions, avoiding obstacles, and troubleshooting technical issues. Encouraging kids to overcome these challenges stimulates their problem-solving abilities and fosters a sense of accomplishment.

Promoting outdoor play and physical activity

In a time when kids are often glued to screens indoors, RC drones offer a fantastic opportunity for outdoor play and physical activity. Flying a drone encourages kids to explore nature, engage in physical movement, and enjoy the fresh air.

Encouraging creativity and imagination

From capturing unique aerial shots to designing obstacle courses, RC drones unleash kids’ creativity and imagination. They can use the drone’s camera function to create stunning visual content or invent new tricks and challenges for their flying adventures.

Parental Involvement and Regulations

Setting rules and guidelines for drone play

As a parent, it’s essential to establish clear rules and guidelines for your child’s drone playtime. Set boundaries such as flying locations, flying heights, and permitted flight durations. Emphasize the importance of safety and respectful drone usage.

Monitoring drone usage and playtime

While flying a drone can be an exciting and enjoyable activity, it’s crucial for parents to monitor their child’s drone usage and playtime. Ensure they are adhering to the established rules and guidelines and offer guidance and supervision when needed.

Understanding local regulations and restrictions

Drone regulations and restrictions vary from country to country and even from city to city. Familiarize yourself with the local laws and regulations regarding drone usage and make sure your child understands them too. This includes adhering to the required age restrictions and getting any necessary permits or licenses.

Ensuring responsible and respectful flying

Teach your child the importance of responsible and respectful flying. Encourage them to be considerate of others’ privacy and personal space. Emphasize the need to treat their drone as a valuable piece of equipment and to fly it with care and respect for its surroundings.


Unboxing, testing, and flying an RC drone can be an incredibly exhilarating experience for both kids and adults. By following the steps outlined in this article and adhering to safety guidelines, you can enjoy countless hours of fun and creative exploration with your new drone. Remember, responsible and respectful flying is the key to enjoying this exciting hobby to the fullest. So go ahead, unleash your imagination, and take to the skies with your RC drone!