The Ultimate Drone Buying Guide for Total Beginners

In “The Ultimate Drone Buying Guide for Total Beginners,” you’ll find a comprehensive overview of the best camera drones for beginners in 2023. This video compares various popular models, including the DJI Mini 2, DJI Mini 3 Pro, DJI Mini 3, Air 2S, Autel Evo Nano Plus, Mavic 3, Mavic 3 Classic, Autel Evo Lite Plus, and DJI Inspire 2 with X5S. The speaker, who owns and operates multiple drones, provides expert insight and recommendations based on personal experience. They emphasize the importance of considering features and capabilities rather than solely relying on price when making a purchasing decision. Additionally, the video covers additional topics such as the importance of a smart remote, buying a cheap drone, and proper drone cinematography techniques. With this ultimate buying guide, you’ll be equipped with all the information you need to find the perfect drone for your needs and interests.

Table of Contents

The Ultimate Drone Buying Guide for Total Beginners

If you’re a total beginner looking to buy a camera drone, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will compare different camera drones for beginners and recommend the top choices based on their features and performance. Whether you’re looking for a drone for recreational use or professional cinematography, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!

Comparing Camera Drones for Beginners

When it comes to camera drones for beginners, there are several options available in the market. In this guide, we will focus on comparing popular drones such as the DJI Mini 3 Pro, Air 2S, Mavic 2 Pro, Autel Evo Lite Plus and Nano Plus, Mavic 3, Mavic 3 Classic, DJI Mini 4, and Inspire 2 with X5S. Each drone has its own unique features and capabilities, and we will explore them in detail to help you make an informed decision.

Recommended Drones for Beginners

Out of the drones we will be discussing, we highly recommend the DJI Mini 3 Pro and the Mavic 3 as the top choices for beginners. These drones offer impressive features and image quality that will satisfy both recreational users and aspiring professional cinematographers. However, before we delve into these top choices, let’s take a closer look at the other drones and their pros and cons.

DJI Mini 3 Pro: The Top Choice for Beginners

The DJI Mini 3 Pro is our number one recommendation for beginners. This drone offers a dedicated smart remote and a wide range of impressive features. With a 0.76-inch sensor, 4K footage, vertical filming capabilities, and 12-megapixel RAW photos, the Mini 3 Pro delivers outstanding image quality. Additionally, its quiet body type and incredible connection make it a joy to fly. It even has Activetrack, a feature that allows the drone to follow you around. If you want a drone that can do it all and won’t outgrow your needs for a long time, the Mini 3 Pro is the way to go.

Air 2S: Not as Fun or High Quality

While the Air 2S is a solid drone, it doesn’t quite match up to the fun and quality offered by the Mini 3 Pro or the Mavic 3. With 5.4K footage and a 1-inch sensor, it does deliver good image quality, especially for professional use. However, when compared to the Mini 3 Pro, which has been out for a year and offers exceptional performance, the Air 2S falls short. If you’re considering the Air 2S, it’s worth noting that its color profile can be inconsistent at times, which may impact the overall quality of your footage.

Mavic 2 Pro: Beautiful Image, Outdated Software

The Mavic 2 Pro is known for its beautiful image quality, thanks to its 1-inch sensor and 20-megapixel RAW photos. However, its software and firmware are outdated compared to newer drones. If you’re looking for a beginner drone, it’s best to consider more recent models that offer the latest advancements in technology. While the Mavic 2 Pro is still a capable drone, newer options on the market provide better value for your money.

Autel Evo Lite Plus and Autel Evo Nano Plus: Good Picture Quality, Some Issues

The Autel Evo Lite Plus and Evo Nano Plus both offer good picture quality with their respective sensors and lens options. The Lite Plus features a 6K 1-inch sensor and 20-megapixel photos, while the Nano Plus has 4K footage, an f/1.7 lens for brighter images, and 12 megapixels. However, the Nano Plus has been known to have janky software that may cause crashes. Despite this downside, it performs well in low-light and sunset conditions. Overall, these Autel drones provide a nice picture, but they may not surpass DJI drones in terms of overall quality and performance.

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Mavic 3: Highly Recommended with Fantastic Image Quality

Now let’s move on to our highly recommended drone, the Mavic 3. With a 4/3-inch sensor, 5.1K footage, and 20-megapixel photos, the Mavic 3 delivers fantastic image quality that will satisfy even the most discerning cinematographers. Its long flight time and superior image stabilization make it a reliable and versatile drone for all types of photography and videography. If you want the best drone currently available, the Mavic 3 is the way to go.

Mavic 3 Classic: Similar Features Without Zoom Lens

The Mavic 3 Classic offers similar features to the Mavic 3, but it lacks the zoom lens. If you don’t require the zoom capabilities and want to save some money, the Classic version is a great option. It delivers the same excellent image quality and performance as the Mavic 3, making it a solid choice for both recreational and professional use.

DJI Mini 4: Not Recommended

It’s important to note that the DJI Mini 4 is not recommended for beginners. While it may still be an awesome drone, newer models such as the Mini 3 Pro and Mavic 3 offer more advanced features and better overall performance. If you’re a beginner, it’s best to invest in a drone that will provide you with the latest technology and capabilities.

Inspire 2 with X5S: High-End Option for Professional Cinematography

For those looking for a high-end option for professional cinematography, the Inspire 2 with X5S camera is worth considering. With its ability to shoot 6K RAW video, 5.2K 422 Prores, and 4K Proress 4444, this drone is perfect for advanced filmmaking and stock footage. The interchangeable lenses also add versatility to your shots. However, it’s important to note that the Inspire 2 can be bulky and noisy, making it less suitable for casual or recreational use.

Additional Topics Covered in the Video

In addition to comparing the various drones, the video covers several other topics to help beginners make informed decisions. It addresses the affordability of cheap drones, the difference between FPV drones and photo/video drones, the price and quality comparison of drones, the dominance of DJI in the market, and the advancements in drone technology. It also discusses the affordability of high-quality drones, the consideration of used drones, and the importance of buying now and upgrading later. The video further explores the collision sensors of the Mini 2 and 3, the strengths and weaknesses of each drone model, the convenience and fun of small drones, and the loudness of drones. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of proper drone cinematography and editing techniques and offers advice on planning shots for better footage.

Speaker’s Experience and Advice for Beginners

It’s essential to consider the speaker’s experience and expertise when watching videos or reading articles about drones. In this particular video, the speaker owns and operates multiple drones and has experience teaching beginners. Their knowledge and practical experience can provide valuable insights and help you make informed decisions. It’s always a good idea to seek advice from experienced individuals rather than relying on inexperienced drone users on social media platforms or forums.

Differentiating Between FPV Drones and Photo/Video Drones

Beginners often confuse FPV (First Person View) drones with photo/video drones. It’s important to understand the difference between these two types of drones. FPV drones are specifically designed for extreme flights and real-time video transmission, allowing the pilot to experience a first-person perspective. These drones are primarily used for racing, acrobatics, and aerial stunts. On the other hand, photo/video drones are designed to capture high-quality photos and videos. They are equipped with stabilized cameras and advanced features for aerial photography and videography.

Price and Quality Comparison of Drones

When it comes to drones, the price and quality are often closely correlated. As the price increases, so does the overall quality and performance of the drone. In the video, the speaker mentions that there is no significant price-quality discrepancy when it comes to camera drones. This means that you won’t be ripped off if you pay a certain amount for a drone. However, it’s important to set a budget and consider your specific needs and requirements before making a purchase.

DJI Brand Dominance in the Market

When it comes to camera drones, the DJI brand dominates the market. DJI is known for its high-quality drones that offer a range of advanced features and capabilities. The speaker mentions that DJI drones provide the most value for the price, making them a popular choice among beginners and professionals alike. Consideration should be given to DJI drones when looking for a camera drone as they have a proven track record of delivering quality and performance.

Features of the Discussed Drones

Each drone discussed in the video has its own unique set of features that cater to different requirements and preferences. The DJI Mini 3 Pro, for example, offers a dedicated smart remote, vertical filming capabilities, and exceptional image quality. The Mavic 3, on the other hand, provides a larger sensor, longer flight time, and superior image stabilization. By understanding the features of each drone, you can select the one that best suits your needs and budget.

No Significant Price-Quality Discrepancy

As mentioned earlier, there is no significant price-quality discrepancy when it comes to camera drones. Whether you choose a more affordable option like the Mini 3 Pro or invest in a high-end drone like the Mavic 3, you can expect to get your money’s worth in terms of image quality and overall performance. This means that you don’t necessarily have to break the bank to get a high-quality drone that meets your requirements.

Advancements in Drone Technology

Drone technology is advancing rapidly, and newer models are equipped with cutting-edge features and capabilities. In recent years, drones have become more accessible and affordable, allowing beginners to explore the world of aerial photography and videography. Advancements in technology have also led to improved flight stability, better image quality, and enhanced safety features. This makes it an exciting time for beginners to enter the drone market and start capturing stunning aerial footage.

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Affordability of High-Quality Drones

Gone are the days when high-quality drones were only accessible to professional filmmakers and photographers. With advancements in technology, it is now possible to get high-quality drones at affordable prices. The DJI Mini 3 Pro, for example, offers impressive features and image quality at a relatively affordable price point. This makes it an excellent choice for beginners who want a drone that can deliver professional-grade results without breaking the bank.

Consideration of Used Drones

Buying used drones can be a cost-effective option for beginners. Many people sell their drones in good condition, allowing you to get a high-quality drone at a lower price. Platforms such as Craigslist, eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and Offerup are great places to find used drones. However, it’s important to exercise caution and thoroughly inspect the drone before making a purchase. Look for signs of wear and tear, check the drone’s flight logs if possible, and ensure that all the necessary accessories and components are included.

Buy Now and Upgrade Later

If you’re hesitant about investing in a high-end drone right away, the speaker advises that you buy a drone now and upgrade later if needed. The drones discussed in the video, such as the Mini 3 Pro and the Mavic 3, are excellent choices that will serve you well for a long time. However, if you’re unsure about your long-term needs or budget constraints, starting with a more affordable option can be a wise decision. You can always upgrade to a higher-end model in the future as your skills and needs evolve.

Collision Sensors of Mini 2 and 3

The DJI Mini 2 and Mini 3 drones come equipped with collision sensors, but only on the bottom. These sensors help prevent the drone from crashing into objects or obstacles when flying close to the ground. While having collision sensors is a valuable feature, it’s important to remain cautious and attentive while flying to avoid any accidents or mishaps.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Drone Model

Each drone model discussed in the video has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. For example, the DJI Mini 3 Pro offers exceptional image quality and a dedicated smart remote, making it a top choice for both recreational and professional use. The Mavic 3 provides a larger sensor, longer flight time, and improved dynamic range, making it the best drone currently available. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each drone will help you determine which one aligns best with your specific needs and preferences.

Convenience and Fun of Small Drones

One of the advantages of small drones like the DJI Mini 3 Pro is their convenience and fun factor. These compact drones are easy to carry around and can fit in your pocket, allowing you to capture stunning aerial footage wherever you go. They provide a great starting point for beginners and are perfect for recreational use. Don’t underestimate the power and capabilities of small drones—they can deliver impressive results and provide endless fun.

Loudness of Drones

It’s worth noting that drones can be loud, especially when they are in close proximity. Some drone models are quieter than others, which may be a consideration for those who live in noise-sensitive areas or want to minimize disturbance while flying. If noise is a concern for you, it’s wise to look for drones that are specifically designed to be quieter or have noise reduction features. However, keep in mind that noise levels may vary depending on the specific drone model and its flight conditions.

Importance of Proper Drone Cinematography and Editing

Proper drone cinematography and editing techniques are essential for capturing compelling and visually stunning footage. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning and practicing these techniques to get the best possible results. By understanding the fundamentals of drone cinematography and editing, you can elevate your footage and create professional-looking videos. Consider taking a specialized course or watching tutorials to enhance your skills in this area.

The Mavic 3: The Best Drone Currently Available

According to the speaker, the Mavic 3 is the best drone currently available on the market. With its 4/3-inch sensor, 5.1K footage, and 20-megapixel photos, it delivers exceptional image quality that surpasses other drones in its class. The Mavic 3 also excels in low light conditions, allowing you to capture stunning shots even in challenging lighting situations. If you want the absolute best drone, the Mavic 3 is the top choice.

Higher Image Quality and Improved Dynamic Range of Mavic 3

The Mavic 3 stands out from other drones due to its higher image quality and improved dynamic range. The larger sensor allows for more light capture, resulting in clearer and more detailed footage. The improved dynamic range ensures that your footage retains a high level of detail in both the shadows and highlights. This makes the Mavic 3 a great tool for professional cinematography and aerial photography.

Performance in Low Light Conditions

One area where the Mavic 3 excels is its performance in low light conditions. It is capable of capturing stunning shots even in challenging lighting situations, thanks to its larger sensor and advanced image processing capabilities. Whether you’re shooting at dusk, dawn, or on a cloudy day, the Mavic 3 will deliver exceptional results with minimal noise and high levels of detail.

Flexibility of Footage for Color Grading and Editing

The footage captured by the Mavic 3 is highly flexible and allows for extensive color grading and editing. The drone captures rich data that can be manipulated in post-production to achieve your desired look and feel. This flexibility gives you more creative control over your footage and allows you to achieve a professional and cinematic aesthetic. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced filmmaker, the Mavic 3’s footage will provide ample room for experimentation and creative expression.

Resolution and Frame Rate Not Major Factors in Choosing a Drone

When choosing a drone, resolution and frame rate are not major factors to consider. While it’s tempting to prioritize drones with higher resolutions and frame rates, these factors often have minimal impact on the overall quality of your footage. Most drones on the market today offer 4K resolution and the ability to shoot at standard frame rates. Instead of focusing solely on resolution and frame rate, it’s more important to consider factors such as image quality, dynamic range, and overall performance.

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Flight Time, Range, and Tracking/Follow Modes Not Significant Concerns

For most users, flight time, range, and tracking/follow modes are not significant concerns when selecting a drone. Modern drones, including the ones discussed in this guide, offer ample flight time and range for most applications. Tracking and follow modes are also available in many drones and can be useful for capturing dynamic shots. However, these features are not critical to the overall functionality and performance of a drone, especially for beginners. It’s more important to focus on image quality, stability, and ease of use when making your selection.

Importance of the Smart Remote

The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a smart remote for an enhanced flying experience. A dedicated smart remote provides a more convenient and efficient way to control your drone, offering better range, connectivity, and features. It allows you to have a more intuitive and responsive control experience, enhancing your overall flying experience and ensuring smoother footage. If you’re considering a drone that offers a smart remote, it’s recommended to opt for that option for maximum control and flexibility.

Suitability of Different Drones for Recreational and Professional Use

Different drones cater to different needs and requirements, whether it’s for recreational use or professional work. The DJI Mini 3, for instance, is a suitable option for recreational use, offering great image quality and ease of use. On the other hand, the Mini 3 Pro and Mavic 3 are better suited for professional work, providing additional features such as hyperlapse and higher maximum resolution. It’s important to assess your own needs and goals before selecting a drone, ensuring that it aligns with your intended use and desired outcomes.

Additional Features of Mini 3 Pro and Mavic 3

The Mini 3 Pro and Mavic 3 offer additional features that further enhance their capabilities and performance. For example, the Mini 3 Pro has a sideways camera feature that allows you to film vertically in 4K, giving you more creative options. The Mavic 3, on the other hand, incorporates features from both the smaller and larger drones, making it a versatile and powerful tool. It’s important to consider these additional features and determine if they align with your specific needs and preferences.

Importance of Smart Remote in Enhanced Flying Experience

As previously mentioned, the smart remote plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall flying experience. It provides better control, range, and connectivity, allowing you to have a more immersive and rewarding experience while flying your drone. While some drones may offer a regular remote, investing in a smart remote can greatly enhance the functionality and ease of use of your drone. Consider this factor when making your purchase decision.

Collision Sensors of Mini Drones

The Mini 2 and Mini 3 drones come equipped with collision sensors, but only on the bottom. These sensors help prevent the drone from colliding with objects or obstacles that are below it. While this feature provides an added layer of safety, it’s essential to remain cautious and attentive while flying your drone to avoid any accidents or damage.

Sideways Camera Feature of Mini 3

The Mini 3 has a unique feature that sets it apart from other drones—the ability to turn the camera sideways and film vertically in 4K. This feature opens up new creative possibilities and allows you to capture unique shots that are perfect for social media platforms or vertical video formats. If you’re interested in exploring different filming orientations, the Mini 3’s sideways camera feature is definitely worth considering.

Features of Mavic 3

The Mavic 3 comes equipped with a range of features that make it an exceptional drone. With its 4/3-inch sensor, 5.1K footage, and 20-megapixel photos, it delivers outstanding image quality and detail. The Mavic 3 also offers a longer flight time, allowing you to capture more footage without needing to land and recharge. Furthermore, it has advanced image stabilization technology that ensures smooth and stable footage, even in challenging flight conditions. These features make the Mavic 3 a top choice for professional cinematography and aerial photography.

Choosing Between Mini 3 Pro and Mini 3

If you’re torn between the Mini 3 Pro and the Mini 3, it’s important to consider your specific needs and budget. The Mini 3 Pro offers a dedicated smart remote, making it a more convenient and efficient option. It also provides slightly better image quality and a quieter body type. On the other hand, the Mini 3 offers impressive image quality and performance without the need for a dedicated smart remote. It’s a great choice for those who want a drone that does a great job without too much thinking. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to your personal preferences and requirements.

Comparing Footage Quality of Mini 2/3 and Larger Sensor Drones

While the Mini 2 and Mini 3 drones are smaller in size and have smaller sensors, they are still capable of delivering great footage quality. Often, the footage from these smaller drones can be surprisingly good and comparable to footage captured by larger sensor drones. However, larger sensor drones tend to offer a more realistic and higher quality look due to their ability to capture more light and detail. If image quality is a top priority for you, larger sensor drones like the Mavic 3 may be the better choice.

Importance of Filming Conditions and Cinematography Techniques

When it comes to capturing the best possible footage, filming conditions and cinematography techniques play a critical role. The speaker advises considering factors such as lighting conditions, weather, and location when planning your drone shoots. Additionally, understanding cinematography techniques, such as framing, composition, and camera movements, can greatly enhance the overall visual appeal of your footage. Take the time to learn and experiment with different techniques to elevate your drone cinematography skills.

Default Settings and Flatter Profiles for Better Color Grading

For beginners, starting with the default settings on your drone is a great way to get started and capture good-looking footage. These settings are designed to deliver pleasing results right out of the box. However, as you progress and become more comfortable with your drone, you can explore flatter profiles that allow for more flexibility during color grading and editing. Flatter profiles retain more details and dynamic range, providing you with greater control over the final look of your footage.

Using Drone’s Features as Marketing Points

If you’re looking to use your drone for commercial purposes or use it to attract clients, it’s important to highlight the unique features of your drone as marketing points. Drones with advanced capabilities, such as hyperlapse or vertical filming, can set you apart from the competition and showcase your creativity. By showcasing these features and the stunning footage you capture with your drone, you can attract more clients and opportunities.

Planning Shots for Better Footage

Last but not least, planning your shots in advance is crucial for capturing better footage. With a clear plan in mind, you can ensure that you capture the shots you need and tell a compelling visual story. Take the time to scout locations, create shot lists, and visualize how each shot will fit into your overall footage. By planning ahead, you’ll have a more focused and productive drone shooting session, resulting in better footage.


In this ultimate drone buying guide for total beginners, we have discussed the various camera drones available on the market and recommended the top choices for beginners. The DJI Mini 3 Pro and the Mavic 3 have emerged as the best options, offering impressive features, image quality, and performance. We have also explored additional topics such as the difference between FPV drones and photo/video drones, the price and quality comparison of drones, the dominance of DJI in the market, and the importance of proper drone cinematography and editing techniques. By considering these factors and understanding the features and capabilities of each drone model, you can make an informed decision and embark on your journey of capturing stunning aerial footage. Remember to prioritize your specific needs and goals when choosing a drone, and don’t be afraid to start with a more affordable option and upgrade later. Happy flying!